There are two kinds of people: Those who chase after inbox zero and those who have 45,000 unread emails.
Whether you’re always curating your incoming emails into carefully considered folders or letting it ride, chances are you have some kind of organizational system.
As email geeks, we subscribe to all kinds of random emails in the hopes that an inspirational design will drop in one day (ask me about the hundreds of emails I get from Cadbury despite not living in England anymore!).
Important emails can easily get buried under all kinds of stuff in the inbox: seasonal promotions, abandoned cart notifications, calendar reminders, welcome emails, appointment confirmations, and of course, deals and discount codes.
Trying to find a specific email from a specific sender? Good luck. Inbox search functionality ain’t Google, that’s for sure.
As an email sender, though, there’s a lot you can do to help your subscribers find your emails fast—to dig back through the archives to grab a discount code, to send it to a friend, or to read it one more time. SEO: It’s for emails, too.