“In today’s digital workplace, more organizations offer the option for remote work in an effort to cut overhead costs, reach talent in other geographical regions, and give employees a more flexible schedule. In fact, 74% of organizations believe that flexible working has become the “new normal”. Now, in light of the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), some organizations are even requiring remote work. “
Click here to read the full article.
Only One Gmail Inbox
Having an Inbox, Social and a Promotions tab is too much!! Sorting is supposed to help but it just mucks things up for me.
So turn the extras off.
In Gmail,
- Go to Settings
- Settings
- The Inbox tab
- In the Categories section,
- Un-check Social, Promotions, Updates, Forums
- At the bottom of the page, click the Save Changes button
Go back to your Inbox. There’s only 1!!!!
Guest Appearance on Business RadioX with Chon Pugh
I had the great privilege of appearing on a Business RadioX segment as the guest of Chon Pugh, Spirit Led Life Coach. Karen Nowicki, Studio Partner, led the interview. Karen Camblin, Sr. Loan Officer with Guild Mortgage, also joined us. So two of my favorite women and WSRG (Womens Success Referral Group) members had a little chat about Chon’s work as a relationship counselor. Karen N, Karen C and I have all had the privilege of sharing with Chon and have benefited from her wisdom. The hour flew by with a couple of tears and lots of laughter.
Hope you enjoy the discussion! Listen here.
Changes To Google Maps
Many of you use Google Maps on your website. You may receive a scary sounding email about the new Google Maps Platform and fees.