Look at this excellent email from Southwest Airlines. They’ve used data they have in their system already to encourage you to travel more.
We’re halfway there!
There goes my competitive nature! I want to BE there!
Tell me what I’ve done.
Where we’ve been…
Not where have YOU been. Where have WE been. Now we’re a team.
Fees? Bag ’em.
One more positive point to make me feel good about flying Southwest.
Where to next?
The soft close!
Book now
The real close.
What data could you use to build a relationship with your clients?
Number of widgets purchased this year compared to last year.
Percentage of increase in business together this year.
Number of projects completed together.
Number of years working together.
Send at least a thank you card! How surprised will they be to get a nice piece of mail?? Or put together a graphic like this one that can be used with multiple clients. Do a Facebook video of you and your team shouting thank you.
People will respond to your thoughtfulness and your unusual approach.