” 57% of email subscribers spend 10-60 minutes browsing marketing emails during the week. – ChoozOn
90% of email gets delivered to the intended recipient’s inbox, whereas only 2% of your Facebook fans see your posts in their News Feed. – Forrester Research
68% of Americans say they base their decision to open an email on the ‘From’ name. – Campaign Monitor
Across all editions, Outlook accounts for 56% of all desktop email opens and nearly 16% of total opens in any environment. – Campaign Monitor
Six in ten (61%) American workers who use the Internet say email is “very important” for doing their job. – Pew Research
Non-office-based workers to say the Internet, email, and cell phones have given them more flexibility in the hours they work (51% vs. 19%) but also that these tools have increased the amount of time spent working (47% vs.18%). – Pew Research”
Statistics from: https://www.campaignmonitor.com/blog/email-marketing/2016/01/70-email-marketing-stats-you-need-to-know/