Last week at Facebook’s developer conference, they officially announced a re-design of the desktop and mobile user interface. Goals: more emphasis on stories, groups, events. Mobile roll-out started last week. Desktop roll-out will start any day. The News Feed has been moved and “demoted” in priority. What does this mean for Business Pages? Less visibility if you aren’t paying to play.
For the Future
JotForm is an established company that lets you create forms to use on websites. Your Computer Lady has used them several times. They have a new program that lets your form become a PDF immediately. So instead of getting an email with an unfamiliar looking line of fields, you receive a PDF with graphics, field titles, electronic signatures, etc. The PDF is ready for distribution to your peers or even to clients! Much more user-friendly!! Click here to check it out!
How To Evangelize and Create Advocates
“The difference between evangelism and sales is an evangelist typically has the other person’s best interest at heart. It’s not about fulfilling a sales quota and earning commission.”
I want to be an evangelist, not a salesperson. I’m not knocking salespeople. Raised by one. Married to one. Surrounded by them. Always looking for one at Lowe’s. BUT… being an evangelist is better because it is more satisfying in the long run. As a salesperson, I might make 1 sale. As an evangelist, I make a client for life.
Both Michael Stelzner and Guy Kawasaki understand this. In this podcast, they share their knowledge. I encourage you to listen in!
How to Easily Create Videos from Your Blog Content
You know I’m a big proponent of using your content in multiple ways in multiple places. This article walks you step-by-step through converting a blog post into a video.
- Videos are powerful with your audience.
- Videos are loved by search engines and social media platforms.
I’m going to use this for some recent Your Computer Lady blogs. Hope you will use the technique too.
Even the Facebook Experts Are Promoting Email Marketing
I know you get tired of me on the soapbox. So here is Courtney Donahue Foster on HER soapbox. She’s a FACEBOOK guru but she’s promoting email marketing as a necessary alternative. So if you aren’t emailing your clients, call me today! Let’s get started!
Her recent email said –
“Imagine a marketing platform not limited by a newsfeed algorithm.
A platform that you own.
A platform that allows your followers to actually see all of your content.
A platform with the highest ROI of any marketing platform.
That platform? Email marketing.
And if that doesn’t thrill you right now, I want to change that.
Because at the end of the day, you don’t own your Facebook likes, your YouTube views, or your Instagram hearts.
But you do own your mailing list.
And if you’re in this entrepreneurship thing for real, if you’re ready to hike up your big kid business pants and start using strategies that stick, you need to build something you own.”
Guest Appearance on Business RadioX with Chon Pugh
I had the great privilege of appearing on a Business RadioX segment as the guest of Chon Pugh, Spirit Led Life Coach. Karen Nowicki, Studio Partner, led the interview. Karen Camblin, Sr. Loan Officer with Guild Mortgage, also joined us. So two of my favorite women and WSRG (Womens Success Referral Group) members had a little chat about Chon’s work as a relationship counselor. Karen N, Karen C and I have all had the privilege of sharing with Chon and have benefited from her wisdom. The hour flew by with a couple of tears and lots of laughter.
Hope you enjoy the discussion! Listen here.
Does Your Website Need a FAQ Page?
Many websites have an FAQ Page as part of their navigation. Maybe it would be beneficial for your site. Consider these questions to see if you need one.
- Do you have questions that clients ask frequently, repetitively? Yes? Then an FAQ Page would be a good addition.
- Let me point out, however, that the answers should be covered in detail elsewhere on your website. If the answer is important there should be a Page or a blog post with a full answer. The FAQ is a concise answer. The FAQ can include a link to the more detailed answer.
- Do you need content for SEO purposes? Yes? An FAQ Page would be a good addition.
The more solid content you have on your site describing your business, services or products, the happier Google and other search engines will be with your site and the higher you will rank in search results. The FAQ Page gives you the opportunity to put the same answer in two places! As the Page content will be more extensive than the FAQ answer, you won’t have duplicate content either. Another SEO plus.
Linking from FAQ answers to other pages of your site also give you internal links which are a benefit in SEO.
- Do you have a large site with numerous pages? Yes? An FAQ Page would be a good addition.
A good rule of thumb is to have your most important information within 2 clicks for your site visitors. So content on a level 2 or level 3 page can be made quickly accessible with an FAQ Page. Your answer includes a link to the page with the detailed answer.
- Do you include information for industry associations, industry experts, etc. for credibility for your business? Yes? An FAQ Page would be a good addition.
Your website can become a resource for your visitors. They know you have links, posts and other information relevant to your industry. An FAQ answer can include a link to another website. I would use this sparingly but it can be helpful. Outside links to credible sites do have value for SEO purposes. But the real value is being trusted as a good resource to your visitors. They can skip googling a question because they know the answer is on your site and easy to find.
Some sites use an Industry Links Page for this purpose. FAQs go beyond a link to the organization’s Home Page and give specific answers. Does someone offer CAD drawings or safety guidelines or a metric conversion chart? Does someone have a great checklist or how-to article? If your clients ask for this type of information frequently, consider putting it on your website on a Page or blog. Or use an FAQ to direct people to the information.
A standard FAQ on the navigation menu
Here is a unique FAQ Page that is in the middle of a page instead of on the top navigation
How to Optimize Your Facebook Post
Get the biggest bang for your buck by writing a great post.
Example: Thank you @Jean Flis for your great presentation today at @WSRG. I love your “core, pop, fizz” mantra. I can do that! @Heartlink
- Go to the person’s business page to make your post. That’s where they really need your support.
- @Jean Flis will put the post on Jean’s personal FB profile. Only do this if you think she would want the post on her personal page. If in doubt, skip the personal page.
- @WSRG will put the post on the WSRG networking group page. That’s where Jean made the presentation so you want the thank you to show up there.
- @Heartlink will put the post on another group page that you know Jean belongs to.
- Adding the comment about “core, pop, fizz” gives other people who see the post something to respond to, to “engage” with since FB wants engagement.
The @ sign tags the page. When you start typing the WSR, FB will give you a list of WSR… pages to select from.
Yes, you could add a photo of Jean doing her presentation to add more power to the post.
THANK YOU Jean Flis with Premier Design Jewelry for being my example. Jean is the go to gal for anything related to jewelry.
Contest Marketing
Could a contest bring you new clients or new sales? It depends. Read this article to see some examples of successful contests. Consider your business, your goals, your budget. Then let’s talk about a contest for you! Click here to read more about Contests.
The Importance of Follow Up
I have seen similar numbers before but these just really hit me hard while I was reading “Conquer the Chaos: How To Grow A Successful Small Business Without Going Crazy” by Clate Mask and Scott Martineau. So I wanted to share them with you.
Percentage of People Who Buy | Number of Contacts | When Companies Stop Contacting Prospects |
2% | 1 contact | 48% |
3% | 2 contacts | 24% |
4% | 3 contacts | 12% |
10% | 4 contacts | 6% |
81% | 5 contacts | 10% |
So almost half of us as salespeople stop after only 1 contact with a prospect. But we know only 2% actually buy at that first contact!!
Only 10% of marketers have a system in place to make 5 contacts with that prospect. But we know 81% of the buyers are making their buy decision on or after that 5th contact!
Contact means in person, by phone, voice mail, email, social media post, direct mail piece, etc. Anything that puts me and my services in front of the buyer.
You and I have to develop a marketing plan and system to ensure that we reach those prospects multiple times!
There is an additional benefit to this type of marketing system. When people do make a purchase or do business with us, the follow up helps build a relationship so they will do business with us again. The second or third sell to a client is always more profitable than the first sale.
How do you develop your system? You can plan the steps then set up them in a Customer Relationship Management software (CRM) such as Outlook, Google Contacts or Zoho. You can use a sales automation software like InfusionSoft or SalesForce. You can set up task templates in software like ToDoIst.
I don’t know about you but I’m going after that 81%!!
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