Here is an excellent article explaining what you can do from your desktop on Instagram. You’ve heard me say that trying to do marketing from your cell phone is harder than doing it from your desktop. Not only is that screen really small, the features are different. This applies to Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. So if you start from your desktop you can do more work, faster, with fewer headaches. Then finish up from your phone when necessary. NOTE!! Check out #6 to improve your Instagram security.
How to Connect Instagram to Facebook
At last week’s Friday Free-For-All, I was asked about connecting Instagram to Facebook so you could make a post on Instagram and have it show up on Facebook. Click here to download the steps!
I want you to be a bit intimidated by this article. Why? Too many times we think of social media as making a post. And yes, make it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn,… But there is more to social media than just making a post – IF – you want it to be a major part of your marketing campaign. There is a difference in having a “social presence” and really marketing via social media. This article is specifically about how to use Instagram but the concepts are the same for any social media. If you want impact, you have to customize to the specific platform. And you have to customize to the platform’s audience. So look at your marketing plan. Do you need a presence? Do you need real social activity? Then we can plan appropriately. Click here to read the article.
Wondering How To Use Instagram?
The Instagram community is growing. The Instagram tools are expanding. This article describes how to use a brand new feature: Highlights. It’s a tool to organize your photos as well as group them in a manner that’s helpful to your viewers.
- Create a Highlight of your tips & tricks.
- Create a Highlight for an event.
- Create a Highlight for each product group.
How are you using Instagram today? What would you like for Instagram to do for you?