This article from Forbes gives you some great suggestions for how to improve your communications with your clients. It’s a new world so we need new methods as well improving the standard methods.
By yclmanager5
This article from Forbes gives you some great suggestions for how to improve your communications with your clients. It’s a new world so we need new methods as well improving the standard methods.
By yclmanager5
I think this is a very excellent example of a sales email. It is promoting book sales. It could just as easily be used for a webinar, a class or an event.
Then there are images and descriptions to address specific pain points. After each section, there is a Buy Now button. The images “say” more than the descriptions.
In closing, there is another image of the book cover and a description. The costs are repeated.
So this is a fast skim to see if the information applies to me. The email keeps my attention by addressing specific pain points and different levels of need. They start with How to Meditate and move to How to Deepen Your Practice.
This email has a much greater chance of grabbing my interest than a message that has 1 description and 1 price. Especially if that description is long and wordy!
By yclmanager5
Here is a detailed list of the equipment you need to become a YouTube Rock Star!
By yclmanager5
MailChimp reports an average increase of 60% for clients who use a pop-up to encourage people to opt in for their newsletters. But there is a right way and a wrong way to build and present your pop-up. Read this article to learn best practices.
By yclmanager5
If you are considering adding videos to your marketing tool kit, here is a good article describing the process.
By yclmanager5
Should you be marketing your business on Pinterest? Here is a free, 1 hour video course explaining how to get started.
By yclmanager5
There’s more to making a video than finding the record button! No, you don’t need to be a professional actress. You do have to do a professional job getting your point across. Here’s an excellent article to give you help.
By yclmanager5
One drawback to Instagram is the difficulty in sharing a link to your website. Here are 8 work arounds!
By yclmanager5
While the notice says it’s going away on February 28th, it actually is already gone on my Your Computer Lady business page. They will roll out this change across all business pages so you’ll have to watch your page to see when it happens.
Copy the content from your Story section TODAY and save it in a Word doc for reference.
Note that the About Page has become a minor page which is now hidden under the More drop-down.
The About Page itself has been re-designed. All of the details like Hours, Phone, etc. are at the top of the Page. The entire Story section is gone. (It had an additional photo and unlimited area for text. I used it to add keywords.)
Now there is only a About section which is limited to 255 characters.
You do have an Additional Information section. This appears to be unlimited text. Move your content from the Story section to this Additional Information section. Load it up with keywords to help people who are searching for your product or service.
By yclmanager5
Read this 01/06/21 update from Mari Smith about the latest FB changes. No more Page Likes. We’ll just have followers now. What does that mean for your business page?